Class GameObject [-] [+]
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject
Despawn |
Despawns a GameObject |
GetDBTableGUIDLow |
Returns the guid of the GameObject that is used as the ID in the database |
GetDisplayId |
Returns display ID of the GameObject |
GetGoState |
Returns the state of a GameObject Below are client side [GOState]s off of 3.3.5a |
GetLootRecipient |
Returns the Player that can loot the GameObject |
GetLootRecipientGroup |
Returns the Group that can loot the GameObject |
GetLootState |
Returns the [LootState] of a GameObject Below are [LootState]s off of 3.3.5a |
HasQuest |
Returns 'true' if the GameObject can give the specified Quest |
IsActive |
Returns 'true' if the GameObject is active |
IsDestructible |
Returns true if the GameObject is a destructible, false otherwise. |
IsSpawned |
Returns 'true' if the GameObject is spawned |
IsTransport |
Returns 'true' if the GameObject is a transport |
RemoveFromWorld |
Removes GameObject from the world |
Respawn |
Respawns a GameObject |
SaveToDB |
Saves GameObject to the database |
SetGoState |
Sets the state of a GameObject |
SetLootState |
Sets the [LootState] of a GameObject Below are [LootState]s off of 3.3.5a |
SetRespawnTime |
Sets the respawn or despawn time for the gameobject. |
SetSpawnedByDefault |
Sets whether or not the GameObject will be spawned by default |
UseDoorOrButton |
Activates a door or a button/lever |