Method Global:SendMail [-] [+]

Sends mail to a Player.

There can be several item entry-amount pairs at the end of the function. There can be maximum of 12 different items.

Stationery ID Comment
GM 61
VAL 64 Valentine
CHR 65 Christmas
ORP 67 Orphan


itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow )

itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow, senderGUIDLow )

itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow, senderGUIDLow, stationary )

itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow, senderGUIDLow, stationary, delay )

itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow, senderGUIDLow, stationary, delay, money )

itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow, senderGUIDLow, stationary, delay, money, cod )

itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow, senderGUIDLow, stationary, delay, money, cod, entry )

itemGUIDlow = SendMail( subject, text, receiverGUIDLow, senderGUIDLow, stationary, delay, money, cod, entry, amount )


string subject

Title (subject) of the mail.

string text

Contents of the mail.

number receiverGUIDLow

Low GUID of the receiver.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

number senderGUIDLow (0)

Low GUID of the sender.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

MailStationery stationary (MAIL_STATIONERY_DEFAULT)

Type of mail that is being sent as, refer to table above.

number delay (0)

Mail send delay in milliseconds.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

number money (0)

Money to send.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

number cod (0)

Cod money amount.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

number entry (0)

Entry of an Item to send with mail.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

number amount (0)

Amount of the Item to send with mail.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.


number itemGUIDlow

Low GUID of the item. Up to 12 values returned, returns nil if no further items are sent.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

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